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Performance Management and Salary Review: Performance Ratings

Performance Ratings

This page is currently under review. 


Following the completion of each Performance Review Period, ratings are assigned through discussions between the supervisor and department head, and finalized with the Associate Director. Individual performance ratings are noted on the salary increase letters which are distributed in late March (Support Staff) or late June (Administrative Staff).


                                          SUPPORT STAFF
(EX) Exceptional Performance Performance of responsibilities in most areas regularly surpassed expected levels for the position this past year; work served as an example for others.  Demonstrated a thorough and insightful understanding and execution of job responsibilities.  This rating indicates an outstanding overall performance. This rating is not an option for the new employee 6 month review.
(ST) Strong Performance Performance of responsibilities in most areas was strong this past year; in some areas it exceeded expected levels for the position.  Demonstrated a comprehensive understanding and consistent performance of job responsibilities.  This rating indicates a commendable overall performance.
(EF) Effective Performance Performance of responsibilities in most areas was at expected levels for the position this past year; there may have been inconsistencies in some responsibilities.  Demonstrated a full understanding of the job duties.  This rating indicates a good overall performance.
(IPR) Improved Performance Required Performance of responsibilities in significant job areas failed to meet required levels for the position in the past year.  Performance plan for the next year may be required.  This rating indicates an unsatisfactory overall performance.  No merit increase is awarded.


*New employees, completing six month review, are eligible for “Strong”, “Effective”, and “IPR” ratings only.