This page will help you find items by call number in the Lewis Music Library.
For more information about general call numbers, read the overview.
A. Class Mu
Mu classification numbers for printed music are used for works by one composer. It is arranged alphabetically by composer, then by title and/or type of work:
Sample call number | What the line means |
Mu | The item is printed music |
pts | It's a performing format |
B393 (Beethoven) | Composer number |
sop (sonatas, piano) | Title letters |
B. Class M
Library of Congress M classification numbers are used for collections of music by various composers [M1, M2, M5-] and for editions of a composer's complete works [M3]. Within these numbers, the music is arranged by the medium of performance: instrumental works, M5-M1450; vocal works, M1495-2199.
Library of Congress ML (music literature) and MT (music theory) classification numbers include most of Lewis Music Library's books about music. Other Library of Congress classification numbers are used for books about topics related to music (e.g., GR for folklore, TK for acoustics). Reference Collection books are located across from the Music Library service desk.
A. Classes ML and MT
CDs and DVDs are in Lewis Music Library's closed stacks; request them at the service desk. The call numbers for most music recordings are like the Mu classification system for printed music and begin with PhonCD or DVD. Feature films, ballets, and documentaries on DVD have Library of Congress numbers.
LP records are in storage and may be requested through the “Request Item” button in Search Our Collections.
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