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Monograph Acquisitions: Claiming Policy

Claiming Policy

(Last Revised Summer 2011 by CSM)


CSM has agreed to the following claiming guidelines :
US vendors : 2 claims
Foreign vendors: 2 claims

MonoAcq STAFF will then search or other vendor web sites for another possible source for the title we are trying to acquire:

-If a copy is available within our price guidelines, cancel the original order and then attach a new order to the same bibliographic record and place the order with the new vendor
-If the copy available exceeds price guidelines, refer back to the appropriate subject specialist before ordering

-If no copy is available, cancel the order, delete the item, and if appropriate, suppress the order in Aleph.  Notify the appropriate subject specialist  that the title is not available and the order has been cancelled.  (See “Canceled Monograph Orders – Who to Notify” for more details.)

Subject Specialist may resubmit the title for re-order in the future if a copy becomes available.