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Monograph Acquisitions: Holds: Placing single or multiple holds in Aleph

Holds: Placing single or multiple hold in Aleph

(Last updated 1/27/2011)

Start in the order tab and bring up the item you want to place a hold request on.

In tab #2 General, the patrons’ names/emails will be noted in the “Library Note” field.
Click on the borrower ID button in the same tab # 2. General. This will bring up the patron list to apply in order to apply the hold request. Repeat the process for any additional hold requests if there is more than one.

If there is more than one request and you would like to check and make sure they are all appropriately applied to the item follow these steps:

  1. click on the overview button in the upper left

Click on the circulation tab in the upper right.

Once in the circulation module click on hold requests to the upper left of the screen

You should then be able to see the list of names you have entered for the hold requests.