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Monograph Acquisitions: Withdrawing a Monograph

Withdrawing a Monograph

(Updated 1/25/2011)

Monographs are withdrawn when a librarian requests it, when a Latest Only Kept is replaced, or when a new copy comes in for a missing book.

When a book without a barcode (or with a barcode but without a record) is discovered, it should be brought to the appropriate Selector for a decision.  If they choose to withdraw it, stamp it “Withdrawn from Dewey Library” on the cover page and top edge, add it to the yearly count, and then give to Gifts.

For a monograph with a barcode and active record, change the Item Status to 67 (withdrawn) and then stamp the top edge and cover page with the “Withdrawn from Dewey Library”.  After that, follow the procedure below to have the record deleted:


How to get a Monograph Barcode Deleted:

When you have monograph barcodes that you need to delete you must report the barcode numbers to the Database Maintenance Section.  To do this you must first identify the barcode types and then construct an email to be sent.  Here are the step-by-step instructions:


Identify the Type of Barcode that you are dealing with by wanding the barcode into Aleph:

    1. If it is the ONLY item in the item list then it is a UNIQUE barcode
    2. If it is NOT the ONLY item in the item list then it is a DUPLICATE barcode
    3. If this is a THESIS then it is a THESIS barcode

You must next separate all the different types of barcodes (UNIQUE, DUPLICATE & THESIS)
into different lists that need to be sent in separate emails to the Database Maintenance Section.  There are two reasons for this need for separate emails.  First is statistical, they keep track of how many books and thesis we have here in the MIT Libraries - when you send a barcode to be deleted they adjust the numbers accordingly.  Second, is that if you send a UNIQUE barcode to be deleted then the barcode is deleted and the entire record is suppressed.  If you send a DUPLICATE barcode to be deleted then only the barcode is deleted and there are no changes made to the record itself.

Constructing your emails to send to Database Maintenance Section:
            Send your email to:


On the subject line you must write the following exactly:

[insert barcode type] barcodes for deletion for [sub library code]

UNIQUE barcodes for deletion for DEW

DUPLICATE barcodes for deletion for ENG

THESIS barcodes for deletion for RTC

The body of the email should consist of only a list of barcodes – one barcode per line.
You may include as many barcodes as fall into a given category.