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Audio Lab Guides and Tutorials: Hardware

This guide provided detailed instructions on how to use the audio lab and it's resources.

Hardware in the audio lab

The audio lab has hardware that will help with most recording needs.

See below for more details on what is available, what it's for, and how to use it.


  • X32 Digital Mixer
  • Cloudlifter preamp
  • Moog Mother-32
  • Moog Minitaur
  • Moog Theremin
  • Denon Bluetooth Receiver
  • Headphone Amplifier
  • Preamp for the turntable
  • Motu MIDI receiver
  • MIDI keyboard

X32 Digital Mixer

All sound comes through this mixer, both in and out.

While it looks complicated, you only need to pay attention to a handful of sections.

  • The faders control individual volume levels of the inputs.
  • The monitor level controls the volume of the speakers.
  • The gain and 48V control the sensitivity of the microphones. (it’s best to keep the 48V on)
  • The main volume controls the volume going to the headphone amplifier.


See attached User Manuals for full functionality.

Mother-32 Synthesizer

The Mother-32 is a semi-modular analog synthesizer. Each function has been designed as a module,

and useful parts of each module are “pre-wired” on the internal circuit board for making sound.

This means that your Mother-32 will produce sound at its output without any patch cables in use. Extended

synthesis capabilities are easily accessible via the 32-point, 3.5mm patchbay.


The Mother-32 is a synthesizer and sequencer. It has a keyboard layout where the user can play it and input notes like a piano.

This can be used without any patch cables. Make sure all the knobs are at 12 o’clock and sound will be played when the keyboard buttons are pressed.

The synth is wired into channel 12 on the mixer. Raise the fader up to “0” to have a good volume level.

Follow this link for sequencer basics.

Please see the full user guide attached below for full functionality. 


The Minitaur is an analogue bass synth that is able to be played two ways. Via an instrument plugged in via MIDI cable or via a usb keyboard inside a DAW.

The Minitaur is plugged into channel 13 on the mixer. Raise the fader up to “0” to have a good volume level.

There is also software for the Minitaur installed on the iMac as well. Find the software and open it and you’ll be able to control the Minitaur with the on screen interface.

This link gives detailed instruction on using the Minitaur within Ableton Live.


Please see the attached file for full functionality.


The Theremin is an interesting piece of equipment in our synth collection. It creates sound by generating electromagnetic fields around two antennas; A straight, vertical antenna controls pitch and a horizontal, looped antenna controls volume.

The theremin is plugged into input 11 on the mixer: Raise the fader up to “0” to have a good volume level.

This link goes to a theremin tutorial, check it out for detailed instruction.


Please see the full user guide below for full functionality.

Bluetooth Receiver

This is a standard bluetooth receiver that is connected to the mixer.

Press the pair button on the receiver to pair your device.

Raise the fader on channel (   ) to hear the audio.

The audio can go to either speakers or the headphone amplifier.

Headphone Amplifier

The headphone amplifier is designed to be used with high impedance headphones and boost the signal coming from the mixer.

Both mixers are connected to the headphone amplifier via their main volume.

Simply select input one or two, for mixer one or two respectively. Turn up the volume gradually, and enjoy.

This headphone amplifier can have six people connected to listen to one mixing board.

MIDI / Keyboards

The MIDI inputs are designed for instruments with MIDI in’s and out’s to connect to the iMac.

The large keyboard in the audio lab only has MIIDI connections and needs to be connected to the computer via a MIDI cable.

Once connected, you’ll need to select the correct MIDI instrument in whichever DAW you are using.

The small keyboard on the workstations are connected via usb, and the iMacs will recognize them immediately in any DAW.