ILLiad will update you on the status of your requests at any time, when you select "View Active Requests" from the ILLiad Menu.
Explanations of the various ILLiad status messages, such as "Awaiting Copyright Clearance," or "Awaiting Post Receipt Processing," are available in the the ILLiad glossary.
If you're still unsure about when your request will arrive, send us your question through the Ask ILB form.
From the ILLiad menu, select "Change Your Information."
You'll see all of the information you entered when you registered. At the bottom of the page, you'll see a list of Delivery Locations to choose from. Select a location, and click the "Submit Information" button at the bottom of the page. Your pickup location will be changed.
If the sticker or strap on the front of an Interlibrary Borrowing item says that a renewal is possible, please log in to ILLiad and select "Renew Checked Out Items" from the ILLiad Menu. A one-time renewal for 14 days is possible.
Once you have requested a renewal through ILLiad, Interlibrary Borrowing staff will manually update your MIT Libraries account. Courtesy notices will continue to be sent until this occurs
If the item you'd like to renew does not appear in the list of items in ILLiad, please contact Interlibrary Borrowing through the Ask ILB form.
Renewals are not always possible. If the sticker or strap on the front of an Interlibrary Borrowing item says that the item may not be renewed, please return the material prior to its due date, and make another request for the item.
Please note:
In order to get them to you as quickly as possible, articles are received electronically and automatically posted to ILLiad without staff review.
If you notice that the wrong article was sent to you, pages are missing, or the text is otherwise illegible, e-mail us at as soon as you discover the error. We will contact the lending library to get it fixed right away.
Yes. Interlibrary Borrowing will process requests for items that appear to be lost from the MIT Libraries' collections. In addition to placing a request in ILLiad, we recommend that you place a hold request for an item listed as "On Search" in case it is found.
Not via ILLiad. ILLiad can only be used to request materials that are not owned by the MIT Libraries.
However, it might be possible to obtain things that are checked out to another patron via Borrow Direct. To find out how to search for and request items using Borrow Direct, please see MIT’s WorldCat Help.
Because ILLiad requires Touchstone Authentication, designated borrowers can not place requests via ILLiad on behalf of someone else. The designated borrower may pick up items requested via ILLiad once those items have arrived in the library.
When items arrive for pickup in the library or PDF downloading from ILLiad, notifications from ILLiad are always sent to the email address associated with the person who made the ILLiad request, regardless of designated borrower status. Similarly, the person who requested the item will be responsible for any overdue or replacement fines that might accrue, regardless of whether the item was being used by another individual.
If you have been approved as a designated borrower for someone else, notify the staff at the library service desk that you are a designated borrower and want to have the material checked out as a “proxy” or “designated borrower.”
MIT faculty interested in designating another person to check out books their behalf should see the Designated Borrower Form.