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21H.281: MIT and Slavery: Research: Home

Research Guides for Working with Archives and Original Sources

Using Archives: A Guide to Effective Research A brochure of the Society of American Archivists.

Special Collections: What to Know About Conducting Archival/Primary Source Research A research guide by the University of Southern California Libraries.

Searching for Materials in the MIT distinctive collections

MITArchivesSpace is your entry point to search for archival materials in the MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections. The MITArchivesSpace LibGuide has more information about what can be found in MITArchivesSpace, and search tips.

Search for rare books, MIT theses, and MIT publications through the MIT Libraries' catalog, Barton.

MIT History has information about MIT people, courses, schools, labs, departments, buildings, events, etc., though it is not comprehensive.

Public Services Manager, Distinctive Collections