Works that contribute to the library research literature are welcome in DSpace at MIT. MIT Libraries staff are invited to deposit from their own work:
- articles published in scholarly newsletters or journals
- fully developed conference papers (not Power Point slides)
- technical reports, working papers, and other unpublished gray literature of a scholarly nature
- supplementary material cited in or linked to published articles or papers and deposited with the article or paper
- check that your submission meets the Content Guidelines for DSpace at MIT
- Rebecca Bisbee (, in consultation with the respective Associate Directors, will ensure that all submissions meet these guidelines.
- contact Sean Thomas ( to request authorization.
- After you are authorized, go to DSpace@MIT to begin the submission process at any time
- After logging in, click ‘Submissions’ and select ‘MIT Libraries Research Collection’ to begin.
- After your first authorization you will be pre-authorized for any subsequent submissions. (Please check the guidelines!)
DSpace is an appropriate home for these works, assuring their persistence over time and broad access by the scholarly community.