Wiley KnowItAll Campus Solution provides access to KnowItAll Software&Libraries as well as the browser-based portal KnowItAll AnyWare.
Using the tools, MIT affiliates can access the following spectral libraries and the spectroscopy/spectrometry tools.
See here for details on tools and content coverage of KnowItAll Campus Solution.
The browser-based portal KnowItAll AnyWare allows you to search and view individual spectrum and metadata.
The KnowItAll desktop software (Windows only) will also provide spectroscopy/spectrometry tools to analyze and process spectra.
The MIT community (MIT faculty, students, post-docs & other researchers, and staff) are authorized to use Wiley KnowItAll for academic research.
Please follow the steps below to obtain access to KnowItAll.
Step 1:
Register for your account using your MIT email address at https://libraries.mit.edu/knowitall-reg .
You will receive an email with links and license verification code. Please do not forward this email to anyone.
Step 2:
To access KnowItAll via the Windows only software on your desktop, follow the link in the email to download the software and use the license verification code you receive and your MIT email address to activate the software. See this link for detailed installation instructions.
To access KnowItAll AnyWare via a browser online, go to https://knowitallanyware.com/search and use your MIT email and the license verification code you received to create an account for KnowItAll AnyWare in Step 1 above. You will receive another email to activate your KnowItAll Anyware account.
The MIT community (MIT faculty, students, post-docs & other researchers, and staff) are authorized to use KnowItAll software and KnowItAll AnyWare for academic research purposes only. You are also required to accept the Wiley Terms of Use, Wiley Privacy Policy, and End User License Agreement when you register as a user of KnowItAll. Batch download or extraction of the spectral data from the database is NOT a licensed use according to our current license with Wiley.
Email: chem-matsci-ref@mit.edu