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21W.022: Reading and Writing Autobiography Section 1: Search Strategies

This is the course guide for 21W.022 Reading and Writing Autobiography

Mind Mapping

Developing keywords from your research topic question is the first place to start before research. The video below will unpack how to do this task. You can use to keep all your keywords including related terms and synonyms in one place. It also can help to visually see how terms are related to others. See the example below.

How to develop keywords for your topic

In this video learn how to develop a search strategy and keywords.  

Search Tips

Truncation Searching:

Truncation is used to shorten a keyword to its root-word level. It also finds all suffixes or endings of a word.

Use the asterisk:


Truncation symbol with this example will retrieve: history, histories, historic, historical, historian, etc. 

Subject Headings

Search Library of Congress Authorities to identify subject terms for more effective searching in library catalogs and databases.

You can also do a keyword search in the Search Our Collections to find a book on your topic and then click on the subject headings that index that book to find similar titles.  


This is a visual template for how you can organize your connecter terms. A mind map with a central green box labeled "Database title" with three branches under the box what were you looking for. Below this is tier are 3 green boxesthat can have search terms. Bellow the search terms boxes are where t he results or URLs for the search results can be pasted.