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21W.022: Reading and Writing Autobiography Section 1: Learn More about a Topic

This is the course guide for 21W.022 Reading and Writing Autobiography

Define your Research Needs

Before you start searching for sources, take a moment to think about what you need to accomplish with your research.  Be sure to consider:

  • The scope and complexity of your project
    Are you writing a short paper or trying to uncover every possible source for your dissertation or book?
  • The amount of time you have to spend
    Is your project due in two weeks or do you have years to discover all the relevant resources that might exist?
  • The types of background sources you need and where you will find them
    Only in the library?  Online?  Via interlibrary loan?
  • Which repositories are likely to hold materials for you
    Local or far flung libraries and/or archives? Will you have to plan research travel overseas? 
  • Consulting a reference librarian for help planning your strategy
    You will find out about tools and tricks to make your search for materials more efficient and effective.

Source: Mina Rees Library Archival Research

Quick Look Up

Need a quick fact or more background reading on a topic?  The links below will take you to sources that cover many different subject areas.

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