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Libraries Senior Leadership Team (SRLT): Home

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SRLT Statement of Purpose

Purpose of the SRLT meeting: The Libraries’ Senior Leadership Team (SRLT), consisting of the libraries’ senior leadership, meets regularly to confer on matters of libraries’ policy and strategy. Members of SRLT are collectively responsible for the overall success of the MIT Libraries in advancing our mission, executing on our strategic priorities, and enacting our values. 

SRLT functions as a venue for:

  • Setting strategic directions for the libraries;
  • Allocating resources (time, staff, funds, etc.) to accomplish strategic priorities;
  • Coordination across directorates on key internal and external communications/messaging;
  • Information sharing about strategic topics;
  • Information sharing and discussion of relevant external news and priorities (MIT and beyond); 
  • Discussion and resolution of Library-wide issues/concerns/patterns;
  • Social interaction and team-building for the libraries’ senior leadership.

SRLT Logistics

As of January 2024, the Libraries’ SRLT is comprised of:

  • Chris Bourg, Director of Libraries
  • Alexia Hudson-Ward, Associate Director for Research, Learning and Strategic Partnerships
  • Erin Stalberg, Associate Director for Collections and Faculty Relations Strategy
  • Heather Sardis, Associate Director for Technology and Strategic Planning
  • Kaija Langley, Director of Development
  • Stephanie Richardson, Associate Director for Administrative Services
  • Sue Kriegsman, Deputy Director, Center for Research on Equitable and Open Scholarship (CREOS)

The Director of the Libraries also has oversight of the MIT Press, so the Director of the MIT Press is included in all SRLT communications channels; and is an occasional participant in SRLT meetings.  Likewise, various Libraries individuals or groups join SRLT on an as-needed basis.

SRLT meets weekly, on Thursday mornings, and maintains an active email list and Slack channel.  Libraries staff are welcome to contact SRLT at with questions, concerns, or requests to join SRLT for a dialogue.  

MIT Libraries Groups Charged by SRLT

As of January 2024, groups that are formally sponsored by SRLT (meaning the group has a formal charge, as well as a named SRLT sponsor who is accountable for the group’s success) include:

  • Accessibility working group (SRLT sponsor: Erin)
    • Link to charge: Coordinate accessibility efforts across the Libraries. 
  • Alma/Primo Working Group (SRLT sponsor: Heather, Erin)
    • Link to charge: Although SRLT-level sponsorship was needed during the initial system migration and post-migration period, now that the group is settling in and focusing on long-term service delivery we may consider handing off to operational sponsors.
  • Discovery Governance Group (SRLT sponsor: Heather) 
  • EDISJ Governance Group (SRLT sponsor: Chris)
    • Link to charge: Cross-directorate governance of work related to enactment of EDISJ Action Plan.
  • Inter-Directorate Leadership Team (SRLT sponsor: Alexia)
    • Link to charge:  Cross-directorate coordination and communication about services and organizational culture.
  • Internal Communications Working Group (Stephanie)
  • Project Management Working Group (SRLT sponsor: Heather, Stephanie)
    • Link to charge: Cross-directorate coordination and communication on project work.

Please note that there are many additional groups that exist and carry out critical work across the Libraries, many of which are documented on our StaffWeb here.  The intent of the list above is to identify those groups with a direct reporting relationship to SRLT.