Infographics provide useful information. But, infographics display information visually and the text in them is not readable by a screen reader.
To make infographics accessible, you need to describe the information shared in the visuals, and any text in the image.
The preferred method to do this is to include this information in the page's text or to link in the alt text or caption to a page with the description.
This is an infographic taken from MIT's Sloan School that I have cut off for this example. Therefore, the description text does not represent the whole infographic. Some of the descriptive text was omitted because it duplicated information already described.
"Infographic of 8 ways Intentional Orchestrators outperform other organizations. View this page for a complete description of the infographic."
"Infographic of 8 ways Intentional Orchestrators outperform other organizations. See this page's text for full description."
Aligning workforce needs with strategic goals and objectives
Intentional Orchestrators are 5x more effective than Non-Orchestrators at aligning workforce needs with organization wide strategies
96% of Intentional Orchestrators agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My organization is effective at aligning workforce needs with business strategies and objectives” versus 18% of Non-Orchestrators
Allocating work among internal and external workers
89% of Intentional orchestrators feel that their organizations take the right approach to distributing work throughout their ecosystems versus 15% of Non-Orchestrators
Accessing workers to accomplish strategic objectives
Integrating external workers into their organization's culture
Managing the workforce across functional areas
Measuring worker performance
Managing the workforce for maximum performance
Supporting workforce management and growth with technology