It’s suggested to restart your laptop before connecting the HDMI cable.
Plugin laptop directly into the system via the HDMI cable at the lectern. This will allow you to directly share content (screen, audio, etc.) from your laptop to the room or Zoom.
When you no longer want to share content click the Share Content button again on Zoom Room Controller and then click the Stop Sharing button.
You’ll no longer be sharing any content from your laptop, however, the Zoom meeting will still be going until you click the End button at the bottom of the Zoom Controller.
Be sure to close out the share content screen when done, this will take this message off of the screen.
You can control almost anything Zoom related from the Zoom Controller at the center of the lectern. Below are some of the features that may be helpful.
This will allow you to manipulate what the view looks like for the in person attendees on the Zoom Extended screen.
NOTE: Since presenters in the room will have either a handheld or lav mic they’ll never be an active Speaker since they’re not an individual Zoom participant. This is something to be aware of if choosing Speaker or Multi-speaker. These would be great choices for remote presenters, and remember, this view is only for those in The Nexus room, the hybrid attendee can adjust on their end.
Upon entering Zoom Room Mode via the Creston Controller both cameras will automatically turn on, as will the projectors. There’s one audience camera and one presenter camera. The audience camera is a static camera and stays stationary throughout the event and allows hybrid attendees to see the in person audience.
The presenter camera defaults with ‘Auto Tracking’ enabled. This means that the camera will pick up and automatically track and move with the presenter. This is best to use when having a single presenter as it could potentially get confused with two or more people walking around.
If you turn auto tracking off you can have up to six different camera angle presets. You can adjust the angle and shot for any of these presets. You can use presets for both the audience camera and the presenter camera.
There are eight total mics that can be used (four at a time). They are located in the charging tray at the bottom of the rack in the closet. All that needs to be done to use the mics is to turn them on and assure they’re all on separate channels
If you’d like, you can place one handheld and one lavalier mic in a charging station at the lectern, this is located immediately to the left of the Creston tray.
Four mics at a time can be used. There are four handheld microphones and four lavalier microphones. These can be used in any combination, however, each individual microphone needs to be on its own audio channel (1, 2, 3, or 4). Two mics cannot be on the same channel at the same time.
NOTE: Specifically, a lavalier and handheld mic CANNOT both be on the same channel
It’s a good idea to check mic levels before an event and this can be done via the Creston controller.
There are two ceiling mics that are muted by default. You can tell if a mic is on or not by looking at the light on the mic. Red (off), Green (on).
These are great to use when there is a Q&A portion of an event or presentation, and eliminates the need to pass a mic around.
To turn on the ceiling mics:
Important Note on the Lectern Mic:
The microphone built into the lectern is meant only for adding extra presence to a speaker and should never be used as the primary microphone.
Presenters should have either a handheld or lav microphone to be properly heard both in the room and on the Zoom Meeting.