Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Comprehensive yearly volumes of critical reviews written by leading scientists in the earth and planetary sciences fields.
HyperPhysics - A free online resource covering many topics in astrophysics (and other branches of physics), maintained at Georgia State University.
Weisstein's World of Astronomy - A free online resource covering many topics in astronomy, maintained by Wolfram Research.
NASA Atlas of the Solar System - G1000.G7 1997
StarGuides Plus - QB1.S775 2004
The Nautical Almanac - QB8.N314
The Astronomical Almanac - QB8.U58.A2
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics (also online) - QB14.E54 2001
StarBriefs Plus - QB14.S743 2004
Encyclopedia of the Solar System - QB501.E53 2007
Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences - QB600.2.E53 1997
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names - QB651.S352 2006 (also online through SpringerLink)
Graduate Programs in Physics, Astronomy, and Related Fields - QC30.A5125a