There are a few options available to obtain materials you need when the MIT Libraries do not own the item or our copy is not available:
If an MIT Libraries' book is on loan to another user or displays a status in Barton that indicates the item is not available (e.g. on order, on search, missing etc.), you may request it from a Borrow Direct library using MIT's WorldCat.
You may request items through ILB when an item is not available through MIT's WorldCat. If the MIT Libraries do not own the book or journal you need, or if the MIT item is "On Search" or "Missing," you may request the item through Interlibrary Borrowing's (ILB) request system ILLiad. See the ILLiad FAQ for additional policies and restrictions.
The MIT Libraries participate in a reciprocal borrowing program with Harvard University. The Harvard College Libraries page has specific information about eligibility and to a link to the online application.