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MIT Libraries Staff Web

Research & Learning: Information Delivery & Library Access (ID&LA)



For questions about this page or to request updates, contact idla-leads

About Information Delivery and Library Access

The Information Delivery & Library Access (ID&LA) area provides information service assistance and enables access to Barker, Dewey, Hayden (Humanities & Science), and Rotch libraries. ID&LA staff work to make the MIT Libraries' collections as useful as possible by providing electronic or physical delivery of content from library collections.

Services offered by ID&LA include:

Department Staff

Information Delivery and Library Access Staff

Commonly-used ID&LA Email Lists 

Note: These are the most common lists used to contact ID&LA staff. For a more comprehensive list, see our wiki page.

List Purpose - This list contacts:
all-circ All circulation staff + Music
idla-leads All ID&LA managers or supervisors
idla-lib  All ID&LA staff
student-supervisors     Student supervisors in ID&LA