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MIT Libraries Staff Web

Research & Learning: Home

About Us

The Directorate for Research & Learning works with MIT faculty, students, and staff to provide the library resources and services required for their success in research, teaching, and learning.  We work to optimize the discovery, access, evaluation, and management of diverse scholarly information sources and types, and offer high-quality spaces for reflective and collaborative work and learning.  By promoting and providing a library environment that anticipates community needs, we sustain a culture of lifelong learning, experimentation, and innovation.

R & L Leadership Team

Alexia Hudson-Ward, Associate Director for Research, Learning and Strategic Partnerships | 14S-204M | 617-253-9354

Avery Boddie, Lewis Music Library Department Head | 14E-109 | 617.253.5636


Lisa Horowitz, Interim Head, Liaisons, Instruction and Reference Services | 14S-214 | 617.253.9353


Felicity Walsh, Head, Information Delivery and Library Access | 14S-206M | 617.253.2283


Amy Nurnberger, Interim Head, Data and Specialized Services | 7-243C | 617.258.5596


Mark Szarko, Interim Program Head, Liaison and Information Services (LIRS) | 14S-210 | 617.258.8022


Vacant, Program Head for Access Services and Libraries Learning Spaces (ID&LA)
Vacant, Director of Community Engagement


R&L Leadership Team

R&L Directorate