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Information Services Training Program: Home


The information services training program offers systematic, comprehensive, and ongoing training to support all MIT Libraries staff who offer any information service to the MIT community.  Trainings will be held year-round; there will be sessions scheduled each month to attend.  Even though the tabs are organized by audience, you are welcome to attend any session that interests you.  You can also view current sessions in a calendar format or view session recordings.

Sessions are organized by core and elective.  Core sessions are topics that new public services staff need to know.  Elective sessions are an opportunity to re/learn different skills/topics.

Core and elective sessions are available for current staff who need refresher training.

Most department names are abbreviated in the tabs:

  • CE = Community Engagement
  • DDC = Department of Distinctive Collections
  • DSS = Data and Specialized Services
  • IDLA = Information Delivery and Library Access
  • LIRS = Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services
  • SCCS = Scholarly Communications and Collections Strategy

For new staff:

  • Please bookmark this link.  Having the link bookmarked is an efficient way to ensure you know which sessions to attend.
  • Training program attendance is taken for statistics purposes.  Department heads will receive a quarterly report of new staff who attended core sessions.

Reference Services Program Manager

Profile Photo
Tina Chan