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ORCID: Add to your ORCID

Parts of an ORCID record

Your ORCID record has sections for many types of information: biographical, employment, education and qualifications, professional activities, funding, works, and peer review. There are many ways to populate your record with this information including manually, using a delegate, and importing from integrated systems. These options are available by clicking the Add button next to each section of your ORCID record.

Assign a delegate

ORCID allows you to add delegates to your account, giving those trusted individuals access to update your ORCID record on your behalf.

To assign a delegate, they will need an ORCID account of their own. Follow these instructions from ORCID to give them access to your record.

If you’ve been assigned as a delegate, follow these instructions to access the other person’s ORCID record and make updates.

Import data and set up ongoing automations

ORCID has integrations with many other systems that let you easily import information, especially about your works. To start, you can use the Search & link feature which lists the integrated systems and gives you an interface to search for your publications and other research outputs to add to your record.

A good place to start is with the Crossref Metadata Search, which includes the citations for over 70 millions scholarly journal and conference proceedings articles, books, and book chapters.

Your first import will require you to search for your publications by author name, title, DOI, or other metadata. Going forward you can allow Crossref permission to automatically add new publications to your record if they include your ORCID iD (that’s why it’s important to use your ORCID iD in publisher’s submission systems!).

Other sources you can import from include DataCite, PubMedCentral, Scopus, and The Lens, as well as several others. ORCID will show the name of the system from which your information has been imported.

The Funding section of your record also allows you to look up grants and import them into your record. The Peer Review section only allows import (you can’t manually enter peer review activities). Peer Reviews are added based on you using your ORCID in a peer review platform, which then can sync to your ORCID record.

For more information about importing information into your ORCID record, watch this demo, read through their documentation, or contact the MIT Libraries ORCID support team (

Manually add and edit data

You can also add information to your ORCID record manually. Clicking the Add button on any section of your record will prompt you with what metadata to enter depending on the type of information you’re adding. For example, you can add the name, location, department, and years of your degrees and employment, and other professional activities. 


When you add information manually, your ORCID record will show you as the source of the information. You can continue to edit information you’ve added manually.

Set visibility

ORCID allows you to specify the visibility setting for any section or individual entry within a section. The three levels of visibility allowed are:

  • Public
  • Trusted individual/organization
  • Private

Have questions about your ORCID?

Email for help.