Intended audience: Liaisons, Ask Us staff, chat staff, and others interested in thesis reference.
Learning outcome: Participants in this session will learn about the production work done on theses to prepare them for posting online, and how to search them.
Date/time: October 2021
Registration: TBA
Anyone interested is welcome.
Please contact Tina Chan if you have accessibility accommodation needs.
Advanced Troubleshooting
Trainers: Adam Shire
Intended audience:Ask Us staff and others interested in advanced troubleshooting issues.
Learning outcome: Participants in this session will learn about troubleshooting issues such as proxy maintenance and IP version 6 vs. version 4.
Date/time: June 2021
Registration: TBA
Please contact Tina Chan if you have accessibility accommodation needs.
Rights Issues in our Repositories
Trainers: MDCS in collaboration with SCCS, DDC, and the Rights Working Group
Intended audience: Liaisons and Ask Us staff
Learning outcome: Participants in this session will learn an overview of digitization projects and their addition to our repositories.
Date/time: TBA
Registration: TBA
Anyone interested is welcome.
Please contact Tina Chan if you have accessibility accommodation needs.