Patent searches can tell you which companies are producing similar products, and they are also a good source for diagrams of similar products.
For non-expert patent discovery, begin with Google Patents is a good place to begin. Additional patents discover tools are listed in our PATENTS GUIDE.
Note: USPTO search interface is clunky. Content discovery is easier on other platforms.
USPTO Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT) report on Patents for Medical Devices.
Search the Cooperative Classification System codes.
Standards are generally set by industry associations or government agencies. When searching for standards, consider what types of standards might exist related to your product.
Additionally, be sure to consider the source of the standard -- both the organization and the country. Though the country of origin may not be the US, it may affect where you can sell your product.
For this class the primary collection to consider is: ASTM standards (American Society for Testing and Materials)
VIEW THE STANDARDS GUIDE, for more information about standards and our form to order them.
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