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MIT Thesis FAQ: Thesis Checklist


If these apply to you and your research, plan to do these early in your research and writing process!

o  If you have received appropriate permissions to conduct research that will need review by an external sponsor or collaborator outside of MIT, it is crucial that you ask for the review before your thesis is in final form and has been accepted by your supervisor and certified by your department.
o  Request permission to reuse copyrighted material in your thesis for use that goes beyond fair use.
o  Talk with your supervisor about any plans to pursue a patent that is related to previously unpublished research in your thesis. Contact TLO to see if a hold will need to be placed on your thesis. You need to apply for holds before graduation day.
o Work with your supervisor to determine where data from your research should be managed and made accessible. Review the Supplemental material and research data section of the Thesis Specifications, and contact Data Management Services for advice.
o Review the Supplemental material and research data section early in your thesis writing process to determine the best way to include supplemental materials with your thesis. Talk to your supervisor!
o Review the Graduate degree requirements and Undergraduate degree requirements from the Registrar's office.

Preparing your thesis for submission

o  Format your title page and abstract page correctly (remember there should be no signature page in your final thesis document - your department may require a separate signature page).
o  Include the correct copyright statement and any necessary legend statement on your title page.
o  Optional: Select and apply the appropriate Creative Commons license.
o  Proofread your thesis! Spelling corrections and minor updates will not be allowed after publication.
o  Be sure to consistently follow the rules of your chosen citation style. Remember to confer with your department on appropriate styles.
o  Confirm that you have the correct pagination.
o  Apply appropriate accessibility features and metadata into your thesis document.
o  If relevant, your thesis document must include information about any supplementary materials that you are submitting along with your thesis. Contact the MIT Libraries if you plan to submit supplementary information.
o  Properly convert your thesis to PDF/A-1.
o  Ensure that your files have no encryption or other security measures applied.
o  Properly name your files according to the Specifications.
o  If relevant, caption supplemental audio and video files as required.

At time of submission

o  Submit one electronic copy of your thesis in PDF/A-1 format to your department or program.

Submit your information to the MIT Libraries.

o  Choose to opt-in or opt-out of ProQuest license and publication (not applicable to undergraduate theses).

o  Include the same copyright and license information that is on your thesis title page.

o  If relevant, submit your request for a temporary hold.