The MIT Lewis Music Library Audio Lab (14E-115) is available to current MIT community members. We welcome beginners as well as experts. Need help? Check out our how-to videos, or just ask!
The Audio Lab has two digital audio workstations, each with multi-track audio software, digital mixer, and MIDI keyboard. Workstation #2 has an installed microphone for podcast recording. There are connections to plug in electric guitars, keyboards and other electronic instruments.
The room has been acoustically treated; it is very quiet but it is not sound proof. Spoken word may be recorded, but we do not permit singing or the use of acoustic instruments in this space.
Hours: from library opening until 15 minutes before library closing; see MIT Libraries hours page. We recommend making a reservation.
More details:
Computers and software
Electronic instruments and equipment
Available at Library service desk
These items are frequently requested by Audio Lab users; a complete list of circulating equipment is on the Equipment Quick Guide.
How-to videos:
For information on workshops, an intro to the Audio Lab, or to ask a question, contact Caleb Hall, Music Technology and Digital Media Librarian, at
Please note that the Audio Lab is one room with two workstations. Both workstations are reservable, but if you are working on a recording project and need the room to yourself, be sure to book both workstations. Priority goes to those with reservations; walk-ins will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, as space permits.
To book a station using (MIT only):