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News, Newspapers, and Current Events: Economist

This is the subject guide for News

Direct Subscription to The Economist

Global reporting and analysis on economics, business, geopolitics, technology, and culture

Terms of Use

Please note The Economist's terms of use and privacy policy.

Getting Started

All MIT students, faculty, and staff have access to The Economist. Here's how to register for an account:

1. Go to
2. Click on Log In and follow the link to Register Now
3. Enter your MIT email and follow the authentication link sent to your email to complete the registration.  Do not click on SSO.

After registering for an account, you can also download the Economist App on your mobile device.

What's included in our subscription?

Our subscription includes:

1. The Economist Today and the Weekly Edition
2. Past 20 years of archived back issues
3. Podcasts, briefings, and special reports

The Economist for Research

For advanced search functions and indexing, access The Economist through the following databases: 

1. ABI/Inform 

2. The Economist Historical Archives (1843 - 2020)