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Staff Photos: Home

Staff Photos

All MIT Libraries’ staff members are given the opportunity to include their photo in the Libraries’ online staff directory. In addition, some staff photos are regularly featured on the Libraries’ homepage in the Experts section.

To meet these needs and to assure a relatively consistent quality of photos, the Libraries include photo sessions with a professional photographer at the annual Staff Recognition Breakfast in January. This event is widely attended and provide staff with an easy and convenient opportunity to have their photo taken.

If you want/need to have your photo taken or updated:

  • Wait for the next annual photo shoot (January – see above). If your supervisor believes your position responsibilities require you to post a photo sooner than the next annual photo-shoot, please send a message to
  • Once your photo has been processed, it will be added to the staff directory.
  • These photos are stored in one drive in a folder named “Staff Portraits."  All library staff have access to this folder.

When you need to use your photo:

  • You may use the photo for any purpose associated with your professional role at MIT (e.g. LinkedIn profile, a headshot for an article you’ve published, for a professional association to which you belong, etc.) For publications, please include a photo credit whenever possible (e.g. “Photo by: Bryce Vickmark”)
  • This is a SELF-SERVICE repository. If you need to supply your photo to an outside entity (e.g. a publisher for submission of an article), please do so yourself.
  • If you need assistance, contact