Contact our Libraries' statistical services team.
We can teach you about:
However, we cannot help you choose which analyses to use or proofread code. We also cannot do the work for you.
Make an appointment with a data scientist at Harvard IQSS.
IQSS also offers tutorials for learning R, Python and Stata.
All statistical software below can perform common statistical tests and save commands to and run commands from a syntax file.
Software | Strengths | Weaknesses | Interface | MIT Access |
R |
command line | Athena or free download |
command line | Athena (This is the UNIX version, which can be difficult to use) |
Stata |
GUI, command line | Athena, GIS lab computers, purchase through IS&T |
GUI | free for faculty and staff through IS&T |
GUI | free for teaching and research through IS&T |