All of the article databases listed below contain scholarly articles on Shakespeare. However, each requires its own search strategy. Each also covers a slightly different set of journals, so while you will find a lot of overlap by searching all of them, you will also find content that's unique to each one.
Because the databases listed below can search the entire text of the articles they contain, you can be very specific in your searches and type multipe keywords if you wish. However, keep in mind they do not contain every article ever written about Shakespeare.
The article databases listed below contain the most articles about Shakespeare, although since they do not contain the full-text, you will have to either click on a link to the journal article or look up the journal title in our online catalog. Likewise, they are searching descriptions of the articles, not the full-text of the articles, so err on the side of keeping your searches somewhat broader than you would in a full-text database.
Search Tips for MLA:
Search Tips for World Shakespeare Bibliography:
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