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Technology & Policy Program: Library Resources


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Access to Harvard College Libraries

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Use these tools to help you organize and cite your references:

Finding Journal Articles

Getting started:

Search our Collections - Start with a megasearch of the Libraries' books and other collections, plus a large article index. Remember to sign in and click "Expand Search Beyond MIT Collections" for best results

Google Scholar - Free resource, link to MIT Libraries for full text and cited references

Also try:

Selected Research Resources


  • Orbis - Information on public and private companies worldwide. Research individual companies, or screen for companies meeting certain financial, geographic or operating criteria.
  • D&B Hoovers - Directory of 20+ million U.S. and international companies. Includes latest news and analysts reports.


  • EIU Country Intelligence - 200+ countries
  • EMIS - 70+ market countries, vast information from news to economic statistics and market outlooks

 US Government Information

  • Proquest Congressional - Comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present
  • Heinonline - Government and historical documents including treaties, constitutions, law journals, world trials, classic treatises, congressional documents, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more
  • Congressional Publications Library Guide


  • Fitch Connect - Industry sector, economic, political and company research on various countries. Includes political and economic risk analysis, and regulatory reports
  • IBISWorld Industry Reports - US, China, some global

Market research


Researching Policy

Congressional Information

Librarian for Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, IDSS, and Mathematics

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