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On May 26, 1999, a brownbag lunch session on the topic of metadata was held for the MIT Libraries staff. This is a full list of the Related Links from each presentation, suitable for printing (though not framing).
Metadata: Cataloging by Any Other Name ... - Jessica Milstead & Susan Feldman
Metadata Elements
CIMI (Consortium for the Computer Interchange of Museum Information)
EAD (Encoded Archival Description)
IMS (Instructional Management Systems) Meta-data Specification
MARC - international set of elements used for describing materials acquired in libraries
NISO Standards: Content Metadata Standards - Margaret St. Pierre & William P. LaPlant, Jr.
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) - for exchange of scholarly texts in the humanities
The Dublin Core Record
CORC: Cooperative Online Resource Catalog - OCLC
The State of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, April 1999 - Stuart Weibel
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Resource Description Framework: RDF - W3C
The Visual Core Record
Visual Resources Assoc. (VRA): Data Standards
Visual Resources Assoc. (VRA): Core Categories 2.0
VISION Project: Visual Resources Sharing Information Online Network
RLG: Vision Project: Shared Records for Visual Resources
RLG: REACH Project Element Set for Shared Description of Museum Objects
Simple Metadata Generator Form for the Web