Granting requests for tours of or visits to the MIT Libraries represents a significant time commitment on the part of library staff. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis by department heads as staff time allows.
The following guidelines are to be used in conjunction with good judgment in accommodating visitors' requests.
Consideration will be given to those visitors:
a) Who have given at least two weeks' notice
b) Whose interests are clearly stated and relevant to MIT
c) Who are associated with MIT Libraries in some way, e.g., ARL, DLF, IFLA, etc.
d) Who have other known MIT associations, or who have been referred by the MIT Information Center
The normal length of visits will be limited to a maximum of two hours.
Prospective visitors whose requests cannot be accommodated should be informed that we cannot accommodate their visit, directed to our online information and resources, and invited to tour the Libraries on their own.
Drop-in visitors who appear at any library may be referred to the Director's Office. The Director's Office administrative staff will provide them with an information packet that includes:
Visitors can also be directed to the general MIT campus tour.