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5.35 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry : Finding chemical information


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Article databases

Use these to find articles, conference papers, and other literature on your topic!

Web of Knowledge/Web of Science (1900 -present)

Index to high-impact science, social science, engineering, arts and humanities research journals. Includes cited reference searching.  

SciFinder (1907-present, must register before using the first time)

Reaxys ( content coverage 1771 - present) 

        Combined web access to Beilstein, Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Database. Search by chemical structures or reactions to retrieve physical/chemical properties, spectra, related reactions, description of reactions as well as references to the literature in which the data appear. It also includes the synthesis planner tool.


  • NCBI database for research in medicine and biosciences. Includes MEDLINE, other full-text resources, links to NCBI sequencing databases. 

Handbooks and encyclopedias

Handbooks and encyclopedias are a great way to learn about a new topic.  Don't forget to check the references at the end of the chapter/section for more detailed information.

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