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Definitions for BDSI working groups (summarized from information sharing with ULs from October 2018 by Heidi Nance)

by Felicity Walsh on 2019-02-05T09:24:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

1 of 5. BorrowDirect Shared Index Working Group > Communications Appointees


Skills Needed: Excellent project management, communications, time management, diplomacy, and problem-solving skills.

Time Commitment: ~25% FTE, will be mostly consistent throughout the project, between November 15, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Working Meeting Schedule (may change): ~2, 1-hour BDSI related meetings per month. Should determine own schedule for internal, home library meetings.

Deliverables: Clear leadership from local library point of view, clear communication of project to local library, and consistent participation with peers on leading each library’s contributions.

Example Questions: “Who at my library needs to do what for this project?” “In what time frames do we need to have which skills or resources available?”

Example Decision/Task: Tell home library, “The BDSI will display ‘author’ information.”

Role: These appointees are the “project owners” for their library for this project and have a dotted-line “reporting” role to the Borrowdirect Shared Index Executive Committee for the purpose of this project. They will serve as the primary contact, conduit, and coordinator for all BDSI-related communication and action items for all BDSI-related groups. Appointees primarily represent their home library overall, for all functional areas. As such, they will need to closely coordinate feedback from multiple internal stakeholder groups (Discovery, Access Services, Technical Services, Public Services, Administration, etc.)

MIT Members: Felicity Walsh, Mohamed El Ouird



  1. Lead local libraries participation in project.
  2. Authorized to negotiate prioritization of roadmap or workflows or tasks
  3. Communicate progress of project to home library
  4. Negotiate participation of additional local staffing, as required and needed.
  5. Receive and distribute BDSI-related announcements to stakeholders at their home library
  6. Share out BDSI draft documents, platforms, and environments to solicit feedback from stakeholders in all areas of their library.
  7. Distill information received from home library and provide feedback .
  8. Ensure that home library meets project deadlines.
  9. Funnel questions from home library to the BDSI Working Group(s).
  10. Respond to all BDSI-related communication within 48 business hours, or note a temporary, backup contact in their out of office message.
  11. Attend ~2, 1-hour BDSI related virtual meetings per month (Ivy Plus meetings).

Facilitate any needed BDSI related meetings at home library (internal, home library meetings).

2 of 5. BorrowDirect Shared Index Working Group > Executive or Steering Committee (fka “BDSIWG”, existing group)


Skills Needed: Excellent project management, communications, strategy, solutions-finding, visionary, practical, enthusiastic, creativity skills.

Time Commitment: 10-20% FTE, will vary during phases of the project, between November 15, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Example Decision / Task: “Here is who decides how ‘author’ works.”

Role: This group provides leadership and oversight for the BDSI project overall.  It coordinates the activities of the three sub-working groups, larger-scale project communication, and makes executive decisions based on feedback collected by Communications Appointees and the sub-working groups. This group also manages relations with vendors contracted by the project.  Appointees primarily represent their functional areas.

MIT Member: Mohamed El Ouirdi 

Working Meeting Schedule (may change): ~2-4, 1-hour BDSI related meetings per month.

3 of 5. BorrowDirect Shared Index Working Group > Data Warehouse

Skills Needed: Data extraction, data transformation, clear understanding of the data in its original form, how to preserve fidelity of data.

Time Commitment: 10-25% FTE, will vary during phases of the project, between November 15, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Example Decision: “If we are going to have [those five fields determined by BDSI Shared Index Metadata Policy Working Group] contain author info, then we need X data provided in Y way. We will do A transformation upon ingest, and the Shared Index will need to do B transformation for discovery purposes."

Deliverable: A cloud-based infrastructure supporting the SI and business intelligence. Contains Ivy Plus catalog and transactional data necessary for analytics and reporting, preserving the fidelity of records and formats as much as possible while providing the ability for format transformation, as needed and useful.

Role: This group would set policy and practice for the secure and reliable ingest of metadata into the Data Warehouse. Appointees primarily represent their functional areas.

Working Meeting Schedule (may change): ~2-4, 1-hour BDSI related meetings per month.


  1. Set the priorities for a data warehouse
  2. Set the specifications for data
  3. Set the expectations of data flow
  4. Design the services available in the data warehouse
  5. Develop services / tools to extract and analyze data from the data warehouse

MIT Member: Pat Page


4 of 5. BorrowDirect Shared Index Working Group > Shared Index and Metadata Policy Working Group

Time Commitment: 10-25% FTE, will vary during phases of the project, between November 15, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Role: This group would set policy and practice for both one-time data remediation and ongoing data normalization needs for the Shared Index and the orderly function of the data warehouse and its services.  Appointees primarily represent their functional areas.

Example Questions: “What is the minimum metadata needed for effective faceting and discovery? What facets do we all have? Where is the overlap? What data needs to be transformed? Where should it be transformed? At the local library? Upon ingest into the warehouse? Upon ingest into the Index?”

Example Decision / Task: “Here are the five fields that will contain author information.”

Working Meeting Schedule (may change): ~2-4, 1-hour BDSI related meetings per month.

MIT Member: N/A


5 of 5. BorrowDirect Shared Index Working Group > Discovery and Access

Skills Needed: Understanding of lending and borrowing policies; understanding of discovery systems; active engagement with user experience; active engagement with patron management.

Time Commitment: 10-25% FTE, will vary during phases of the project, between November 15, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Role: This group would set policy and practice for the discovery options, faceting of results, and fulfillment options presented in the centralized discovery layer and optionally in local discovery layers.  Appointees primarily represent their functional areas.

Example Question: “What information does the user need in order to make a request? What request options do we want to present to the user? (Bib, Delivery Time, Format).”

Example Decision: “We need an author field."

Working Meeting Schedule (may change): ~2-4, 1-hour BDSI related meetings per month.

MIT Member: Melissa Feiden


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