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MIT Libraries Staff Web

Instruction Toolkit: Instruction Sessions & Statistics


Learn with the Libraries

The Libraries hosts workshops for the MIT community 4 times a year during our Learn with the Libraries periods: October/November, January, April/May & July/August.

Look for an all-lib email from an instruction team member prior each of these periods with information on how to submit a workshop. The instruction team will take care of posting the workshops to the MIT Events calendar & the Libraries calendar and the Libraries marketing team will promote the workshops through our usual methods (slides on monitors, posters, in the monthly newsletter etc.). If you hold a workshop outside of these periods, contact the marketing team if you have questions about promoting the event.

Steps for holding a workshop:

  1. Once you have decided on a date and time, book a Libraries space or MIT classroom if the session will be held in person.
  2. Create a registration form. While this isn't required, it's useful in case you need to contact workshop participants.
  3. If the session will be online, create a Zoom meeting if you did not create it during registration.
  4. Enter your workshop information in the Google Sheet you received from the instruction team.
  5. After the workshop is over, record information about the session in our instruction statistics form. See the instruction statistics FAQs below.

Workshop Registration


  • MIT Libraries subscription
  • integrates with libguides and libapps profiles
  • option to restrict registration using kerberos login
  • automatically create a Zoom link for online workshops
  • Libcal information and best practices



Instruction statistics FAQ

How do I enter my instructions statistics?

Use the online instruction form.

When should I enter my statistics?

The sooner the better so that you don't forget. The Libraries instruction team will send out monthly reminders, but you can enter them at any point during the current fiscal year. After June of each year we compile the statistics for reporting and no longer accept statistics for the past fiscal year.

What type of events should I enter?

Almost any event that is hosted by the libraries for library staff or the community can be entered unless it is purely social (a reception, sporting event, etc.). Workshops, orientations, and special events such as MIT Reads can all be entered.

If a workshop has more than one instructor, do we all need to enter instructions stats?

No, only one instructor should enter them.

How do I see what stats I have entered so far?

See the Instruction Tableau page. There is a name filter on the right. It is refreshed monthly so any stats entered recently will not be displayed right away.

How do a get a spreadsheet of the stats?

Contact the instruction team and we can download them for you.

How can I find out how many people attended my workshop on Zoom?

  1. Log into your MIT zoom account:
  2. Click Reports on the left side and choose Usage.
  3. Adjust the dates so you can see the workshop you want attendance for.
  4. Click on the number displayed in the Participants column.
  5. Check the box that says Show Unique Users (this will consolidate any people who logged in and out more than once).
  6. You can then count participants or export to Excel. The instructors will be in the list as well so you need to remove them.

Instruction form