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Music quick guide: Equipment: Gaming Room

About the Gaming/group viewing room

The MIT Lewis Music Library gaming room (14E-114M) is available to current MIT community members and may be reserved ahead of time.  We also welcome non-MIT visitors during times when the room has not been reserved.  In addition to the Xbox ONE, the room offers group listening and viewing capabilities. It is also equipped with a VCR, CD, and DVD players, and comfortable chairs. Remotes, Xbox ONE games, Xbox controllers, and guitar controllers are available to check out from the Lewis service desk.

Hours: from library opening until 15 minutes before library closing; see MIT Libraries hours page.  We recommend making a reservation (see below).


How to Reserve Time in the Gaming Room

Priority goes to those with reservations; walk-ins will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, as space permits. 

  • Visit (MIT only)
  • Select "Student Web" from the menu on the left-hand column (if relevant)
  • Select "Room Reservation" from the menu
  • Change the pull-down Room Group menu to “Lewis Music Library Media Stations” (upper right of screen)
  • Click on the green "Reserve" box next to Room 14E-114M.  You may also click on the calendar icon to the left of the room number and choose "Week" to check availability.