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SciFinder: Registration Instructions

Comprehensive chemical information database. Covers scientific journals, patents, conference proceedings, and technical papers. 1907 - present.

Registration Instructions

SciFinder’s one-time user registration allows you to create your own SciFinder username and password to access both SciFinder classic and SciFindern platforms. You must use your MIT email address to be recognized as eligible to register. After you submit the form, you will receive an  email message with instructions for completing the registration process. 

NOTE: Only MIT faculty, students, post-docs & other researchers, and staff are entitled to use SciFinder. Most Affliates and Other categories are not.

Go to User Registration

  • Click Next
  • Enter your contact information
  • Specify a username and password
    • Your username must be unique and contain 5-15 characters. It can contain only letters or a combination of letters, numbers, and/or these special characters: - (dash), _ (underscore), . (period), @ (at symbol)
    • Your password must contain 7-15 characters and include at least three of the following:
      • Letters
      • Mixed upper- and lowercase letters
      • Numbers
      • Non-alphanumeric characters (e.g., @, #, %, &, *)
    • Select a security question from the drop-down list and provide the answer.
    • Click Register.
  • An Almost Finished message indicates that you will receive an email message from CAS at the address you provided within the form.
  • Open the email message from CAS in order to compelte the registration process. If you accept the terms and conditions for using SciFinder, click the link within the email message to complete the registration process. A confirmation page is displayed.
  • Now you are ready to use SciFinder or SciFindernBookmark or for future use.