The MIT community (MIT faculty, students, post-docs & other researchers, and staff) are authorized to use SciFindern for academic research purposes only. There is no walk-in access available for visitors. Specifically, the following items are highlights from the Term Of Use between MIT and CAS.
Members of MIT community may each have only one username and:
- they may "Use the Product solely in the ordinary course of Academic Research" and "Store search results in electronic form, provided that at any one time, no more than 25,000 records are stored by a Named User."
- they may "Search only for themselves; and Share their search results in a reasonable, limited way with research collaborators directly working on the same or related research projects; provided, however, such sharing may not result in: an aggregation of the electronic records stored by individual Named Users, or the creation of any central source of electronic records."
- "stored records must be deleted if they are no longer needed by the Named User for the relevant research project, or, if a student, after the student graduates, withdraws from the University, or otherwise no longer qualifies as a Named User as set forth above, whichever occurs first. A Named User may retain data necessary for long-term documentation of research practices." Any retained data is still be subject to these terms.
- they shall not use it for any commercial purpose.
- they shall not "Use any script/macro to automate an otherwise manual process".
- they shall not "Reverse assemble, decompile, reverse engineer, modify, enhance, adapt, create derivative works or otherwise attempt to derive source code (or the underlying ideas, algorithms, structure or organization) the Product".
- they shall not “Use the Product for the purposes of machine learning, algorithmic development, testing or enhancing, or any other artificial intelligence purposes".
The curated data collections of chemical substance structures, properties, spectra, and reactions from CAS can be licensed separately for machine learning, workflow integration, and other computational use. Bulk data download and API access are not included in our current site license of SciFindern . MIT researchers may contact, for further discussion.