These are thematic guides to important architectural landmarks in selected locations issued between 1986 and 2000. They may feature the work of an architect, a style, a building type, or sites of architectural interest in a city or region and give snapshot maps of a landmark's location within a larger context and often provide building footprints of the surrounding neighborhood.
Note: Domus is shelved with the bound periodicals on the 7th floor of Barker Library, temporarily. The map guides were discontinued in 2000.
Guide Title | Location | Month | Year |
Twentieth century urban models | January | 2000 | |
Modern architecture in Innsbruck | Austria | February | 2000 |
Levi Montalcini in Turin | Turin (Italy) | March | 2000 |
Norman Foster in Great Britain | Great Britain | April | 2000 |
Cereghini in Lecco | Lecco (Italy) | May | 2000 |
Morandi in Italy | Italy | June | 2000 |
Map guides discontinued | July/Aug | 2000 | |
Filling stations in Northern Italy | Northern Italy | January | 1999 |
Arcosanti | Arizona | February | 1999 |
Mendelsohn in Israel | Israel | March | 1999 |
Gehry in L. A. | Los Angeles | April | 1999 |
Metanapoli and SNAM | Italy | May | 1999 |
Art Deco in Miami Beach | Miami Beach | June | 1999 |
Burle Marx in Rio de Janiero | Rio de Janiero (Brazil) | July/August | 1999 |
Lechner and Lajta in Budapest | Budapest (Hungary) | September | 1999 |
Griffini in Milan | Milan (Italy) | October | 1999 |
Berlin's Outer Circle | Berlin (Germany) | November | 1999 |
Stirling in Great Britain | Great Britain | December | 1999 |
Fantastic cities in cinema | January | 1998 | |
Pizzigoni in Bergamo | Bergamo (Italy) | February | 1998 |
Piers in Great Britain | Great Britain | March | 1998 |
Dupuis in Belgium | Belgium | April | 1998 |
Karoly Kos in Budapest and Transylvania | Budapest and Transylvania | May | 1998 |
Rossi in Northern Italy | Northern Italy | June | 1998 |
Van Eyck in Holland | Holland (Netherlands) | July/August | 1998 |
Mangiarotti (Angelo) in Milan | Milan (Italy) | September | 1998 |
Robin Boyd in Melbourne | Melbourne (Australia) | October | 1998 |
Arne Korsmo in Oslo | Oslo (Norway) | November | 1998 |
Jesuit monasteries in Paraguay | Paraguay | January | 1997 |
Dominioni (Caccia) in Milan | Milan | February | 1997 |
Victor Bourgeois in Brussels | Brussels | March | 1997 |
Porto (Modernist) | April | 1997 | |
Paris of Ledoux | Paris | May | 1997 |
Prague (Cubist architecture) | Prague | June | 1997 |
Perret in Paris | Paris | July/August | 1997 |
Coderch in Barcelona | Barcelona | September | 1997 |
BBPR in Milan | Milan | October | 1997 |
Richardson in Boston and vicinity | Boston | November | 1997 |
Lighthouses on the U. S. Atlantic Coast | U.S. Atlantic Coast | December | 1997 |
Valadier in Rome | Rome | January | 1996 |
Kuramata in Tokyo | Tokyo | February | 1996 |
Bruce Goff | March | 1996 | |
Barragan in Mexico City | Mexico City | April | 1996 |
Valle d'Aosta (modernism, 1945-70) | Italy | May | 1996 |
Aalto in Helsinki | Helsinki | June | 1996 |
Jujol in Catalonia | Catalonia | July/August | 1996 |
Sullivan in Chicago | Chicago | September | 1996 |
Siza in Portugal | Portugal | October | 1996 |
Programmatic architecture in L. A. | Los Angeles | November | 1996 |
Phillip Johnson in New York | New York | December | 1996 |
Elsaesser in Frankfurt | Frankfurt | January | 1995 |
Portoluppi in Milan | Milan | February | 1995 |
Ireland, megalithic structures | Ireland | March | 1995 |
Buenos Aires, Moderne | Buenos Aires | April | 1995 |
Gaudi in Barcelona | Barcelona | May | 1995 |
Wright in Oak Park and River Forest | Illinois | June | 1995 |
Pouillon (Fernand) in Provence (1946-60) | Provence (France) | July/August | 1995 |
Minoletti (Giulio) in Milan (1930s to 60s) | Milan | September | 1995 |
Hoffmann in Vienna | Vienna | October | 1995 |
Bruno Taut in Berlin | Berlin | November | 1995 |
Wurster in California | California | December | 1995 |
Muller in Berlin | Berlin | January | 1994 |
Keck and Keck in Illinois | Illinois | February | 1994 |
Brussells | Brussells | March | 1994 |
Art Deco in Italy (Rome, Milan, Trieste) | Italy (Rome, Milan, Trieste) | April | 1994 |
Moscow (Art Nouveau) | Moscow | May | 1994 |
Fritz Schumacher in Hamburg | Hamburg | June | 1994 |
Earth buildings in Morocco | Morocco | July/August | 1994 |
Fuchs in Brno | Brno (Czech Republic) | September | 1994 |
Gutierrez Soto in Madrid | Madrid | October | 1994 |
Stockholm | Stockholm | November | 1994 |
Nervi in Rome | Rome | December | 1994 |
Behrens in Berlin | Berlin | January | 1993 |
Schindler in L. A. | Los Angeles | February | 1993 |
Military sites, 1928-39 | March | 1993 | |
Rome (shops) | Rome | April | 1993 |
Le Corbusier and Kahn in India & Bangladesh | India and Bangladesh | May | 1993 |
Francesco di Giorgio Martini (15th C.) | June | 1993 | |
Tessenow & Hellerau (various German cities) | Germany | July/August | 1993 |
Zurich (Art Deco) | Zurich | September | 1993 |
Paris (arcades) | Paris | October | 1993 |
Gamberini (Italo in Florence (1930s - 80s) | Florences | November | 1993 |
Berlage in Amsterdam | Amsterdam | December | 1993 |
Moretti (Luigi) in Rome (1930s - 60s) | Rome | January | 1992 |
Tuna fishing facilities in Sicily (16th-18th c.) | Sicily | February | 1992 |
Bustillo in Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | March | 1992 |
Wright in California | California | April | 1992 |
Barcelona (public parks of the 1980s) | Barcelona | May | 1992 |
Cosenza (Luigi) in Naples (1930s - 50s) | Naples | June | 1992 |
Rino Tami & the Autostrada through the Ticino | Italy | July/August | 1992 |
Lingeri in Milano (1920s to 40s) | Milan | September | 1992 |
Lewerentz in Sweden | Sweden | October | 1992 |
Calabi (Danieli) in Padova (1930s to 60s) | Padova | November | 1992 |
Rosetti in Ferrara (13th c. addition to the city) | Ferrara | December | 1992 |
Public art in Manhattan | New York | January | 1991 |
Horta in Brussels | Brussels | February | 1991 |
Louis Kahn in Philadelphia | Philadelphia | March | 1991 |
Gardella in Milan (1930s to 80s) | Milan | April | 1991 |
Genova (architecture since 1945) | Genova | May | 1991 |
Rino Levi in Sao Paulo (1930s to 60s) | Sao Paulo | June | 1991 |
Albini in Milan (1930s to 70s) | Milan | July/August | 1991 |
De Renzi (Mario) in Rome (1920s to 50s) | Rome | September | 1991 |
Neutra in L. A. | Los Angeles | October | 1991 |
Sert in Barcelona | Barcelona | November | 1991 |
Florence (architecture since 1945) | Florence | December | 1991 |
Oud in Holland | Holland | January | 1990 |
Olivetti in Ivrea | Ivrea (Italy) | February | 1990 |
Loos in Vienna (1900-20s) | Vienna | March | 1990 |
Pollach (Leopold) in Pavia (late 18th c.) | Pavia | April | 1990 |
Zaninovich (George) in Trieste (1900-10s) | Trieste | May | 1990 |
Garnier in Lyon | Lyon | June | 1990 |
Daneri (Luigi Carlo) in Genova (1930s - 60s) | Genova | July/August | 1990 |
Barabino (Carlo) in Genova (late 18th-early 19th c.) | Genova | September | 1990 |
New museums in Frankfurt | Frankfurt | October | 1990 |
Bottoni in Milan (1920s to 60s) | Milan | November | 1990 |
Aalto/Marsio and Nordic Classicism | Scandinavia | December | 1990 |
Sanmicheli in Verona | Verona | January | 1989 |
Nordio (Umberto) in Trieste (1920s to 60s) | Trieste | February | 1989 |
Mollino in Turin (1930s to 70s) | Turin | March | 1989 |
Rading (Adolf) in Breslau | Breslau | April | 1989 |
Zholtovski in Moscow (Stalinist era) | Moscow | May | 1989 |
Prouve in Paris | Paris | June | 1989 |
Macintosh in Glasgow | Glasgow | July/August | 1989 |
Ponti in Milan (1920s to 60s) | Milan | September | 1989 |
Novotny in Prague (early 20th c.) | Pragure | October | 1989 |
Giulio Romano in Mantova | Mantova | November | 1989 |
Case Study Houses, L. A. | Los Angeles | December | 1989 |
Friuli region (industrial archaeology) | Italy | January | 1988 |
Wiesner in Brno (1920s - 30s) | Brno (Czech Republic) | February | 1988 |
Michelucci in Florence (1930s - 60s) | Florence | March | 1988 |
Vaccaro (Giuseppe) in Bologne (1920s - 70s) | Bologna | April | 1988 |
Venice (smaller buildiings) | Venice | May | 1988 |
Figini and Pollini in Milan (1930s - 70s) | Milan | June | 1988 |
Plecnik in Ljublana (1920s to 50s) | Ljublana (Slovenia) | July/August | 1988 |
Reggio Emilia (rural sites) | Italy | September | 1988 |
Libera in Rome | Rome | October | 1988 |
Antonelli (Alessandro) in Novara (19th c.) | Novara (Italy) | November | 1988 |
Rietveld in Holland | Holland | December | 1988 |
Basile in Palermo (1890s to 1920s) | Palermo | January | 1987 |
Dudok in Hilversum | Hilversum (Netherlands) | February | 1987 |
Naples (catacombs) | Naples | March | 1987 |
Berlage in the Hague | The Hague | April | 1987 |
Sauvage in Paris | Paris | May | 1987 |
Juvarra in Turin | Turin | June | 1987 |
IBA in Berlin | Berlin | July/August | 1987 |
Milan (shops) | Milan | September | 1987 |
LeCorbusier in Paris missing | Paris | October | 1987 |
Asnago/Vender in Milan | Milan | November | 1987 |
Vilar (Antonio) in Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | December | 1987 |
Terragni in Como | Como | March | 1986 |
Fuga (Ferdinando) in Naples (18th C.) | Naples | April | 1986 |
Melnikov in Moscow | Moscow | May | 1986 |
Muzio (Giovanni) in Milan | Milan | June | 1986 |
Mies in Berlin | Berlin | July/August | 1986 |
Albert Kahn in Detroit | Detroit | September (missing) | 1986 |
Muthesius in Berlin | Berlin | October | 1986 |
Vicenza (countryside) | Italy | November | 1986 |
Scarpa in Venice | Venice | December | 1986 |