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SpringShare tools documentation for library staff: Zoom integration for virtual events

Local MIT documentation for SpringShare products

Connect your LibCal account to your Zoom account

You'll need to link up your LibCal account with your MIT Zoom account. You only need to do this once, then you can follow the steps below to set up new events with Zoom.

  1. Log into LibCal and click on your email address in the navigation bar. This will take you to the account settings page.
  2. On the Manage Account page, click on the Integrations tab.
  3. In the Zoom: Online Appointments & Events panel, click on the Authorize with Zoom Account button.
  4. Follow the prompts to log into your Zoom account to grant authorization to the LibCal app. You will be returned to LibCal once the process is complete.


Create events with Zoom integration

Once you've integrated your LibCal and MIT Zoom accounts, you'll find the Zoom meeting options when you set up new events. See the Springshare documentation on Event Calendars: How to create virtual / online events for further details.

Please note: LibCal registration and reminder email templates have been updated so that Zoom information will auto-populate in emails to registrants.

Creating Zoom events

  1. For the Event Location option, select Online Event via Zoom.
    • Your event must have registration set to required to select this option.
  2. From the Meeting Organizer dropdown, select your name from the dropdown (or the person who will be hosting the meeting, if you're setting this up for someone else.
  3. ​If you would like to require attendees to enter a password before joining, enter it in the Join Password.
    • This is not your Zoom user account password.
    • Passwords can be up to 10 characters long and only contain upper or lowercase letters, numbers, and the following symbols: @ ('at' symbol), - (hyphen), _ (underscore), and * (asterisk).
    • The password will be provided to attendees in their registration confirmation email. 
  4. Select the appropriate meeting type for your event.
    • Meeting: Fully interactive and allows all participants to see, speak, hear & screen-share with each other.
    • Webinar: MIT’s Zoom license only allows for a limited number of webinars, so this feature is not enabled for standard MIT Zoom. If you require this feature, you need to request it from IS&T. See Zoom webinars section of IS&T knowlege base.


Questions? Need an account?

Request via UX/Web Services

LibCal documentation

SpringShare's LibCal documentation

We don't use all of the available features of LibCal, so some of the SpringShare documentation may not be applicable.