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Political Science: Interlibrary Borrowing - Articles

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Use Interlibrary Borrowing to get full text articles MIT Libraries does not own.

Order in four clicks using these instructions:


Start: Search title in MIT catalog: Search our Collections

MIT libraries search


Click 1:  From results, in left column turn on: "Expand search beyond MIT subscriptions"

Screen shot of serach results with "Expand search beyond MIT subscriptions" circled

> If you do not find your article, fill out an interlibrary borrowing request


Click 2: If you do find your article, click "Check for online access"

Two articles, one with a link to check online access, one MIT owns












Click 3: "Request Article/PDF" (You'll need to be logged in to see this option)

Click "request article/PDF"


Click 4: Check information on order form and submit request

screenshot of article request

Finished! You will receive an email from MIT Libraries when your article arrives, with a link to the PDF in your account.