Page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700.
Coverage: 1706 - 2016
Primary sources covering the topic of food from social, historical, economic, cultural, religious, and political perspectives. Includes archival content, advertisements and other visual ephemera, text, and video.
Coverage: 1820 - 1926
Catalogs, pamphlets, advertising materials, and ephemera on essential industries that emerged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Coverage: 1784-1991
Primary sources documenting the history of flight. Includes images, diaries, correspondence, scrapbooks, and government documents held by the National Air and Space Museum Archives, National Air and Space Museum Library, Smithsonian Archives, and Smithsonian Libraries.
Coverage: 1840 -1923
Includes primary source documents covering landmark exhibits.
Full-text collections of philosophical and historical scientific books.
Coverage: 1907 - 1984
Indexes journals in the humanities and social sciences covering the period 1907-1984.
Simultaneous users allowed: 6
Key resource covers US & Canadian history, prehistory-present. Indexes articles, book reviews, essay collections, dissertations, media. With abstracts
Indexes articles, reports, edited works, and other publications in Anthropology and related fields.Combines the Anthropological Literature database (from Harvard University) and Anthropological Index (from the UK's Royal Anthropological Institute).
Contains full text of the publications of the American Anthropological Association. Includes current issues of the AAA's most critical peer-reviewed publications, such as American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Cultural Anthropology, Ethos, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Resource covers world history (excluding US & Canada), 1450-present. Indexes articles, books, essay collections, dissertations, media. With abstracts.
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