No: | Yes: |
Redundancy |
First check for an existing page(s) that already documents the topic or to which additional content may be added. |
Single sentence documentation |
If a procedure can be described in 1 sentence, it probably doesn't need to exist on its own. Check if the information belongs with other procedures. Is there another page you can add the content to? |
Create a new page before determining its location |
Determine where the page should be in the hierarchy.
Develop a new wiki template |
Use the PS Docs template. Learn the procedure for Adding a new PSDocs page. |
Consider why staff use PSDocs and tailor content to meet staff needs or answer staff questions:
No: | Yes: |
Public information: PS documentation is not needed for publicly shared policies and procedures (e.g., a guide to finding films). |
Put information for the public in a LibGuide or other publicly accessible web page. |
Committee and department pages: PS Docs should only include information for training, refreshers and service point use |
Put non-training/refresher documentation on a department wiki or LibGuide |
Avoid using:
Keep information on the wiki page:
Review information on the writing style tab.