Section headings make a page more easy to quickly scan, giving a sense of the page's contents.
No: | Yes: |
Do not create sections when the page is short. |
Use Section Headings to break text heavy pages into logical blocks. Use Section Headings when appropriate to clarify what type of content is in each section - "about," "how to," etc. |
Do not use using h1., h5., or h6. heading types.
Use h2., h3., and h4 heading types. |
Do not create wordy section headings. |
Use concise terminology so that the section headings may be quickly scanned to determine what's in the page. |
Do not begin with detailed information. |
List general information first, followed by specifics. Staff needing more specific information may click to the appropriate section from the table of contents or jump list. |
Do not use inconsistent grammar in headings of the same level: (e.g., "How to Process Faculty Office Delivery Requests" and "Packaging the Request for Delivery"). |
Use the same grammar structure in headings of the same level (e.g., "Processing Faculty Office Delivery Requests" and "Packaging the Request for Delivery". |
Start the page with a brief (1-2 sentence) summary of the topic. This summary will help users of the A-Z list.
Choose a title that best describes the page's content and makes the most sense to other users.
No: | Yes: |
Do not start a title with an article such as “the” or “a”. |
Remember that the first word of the title determines where users will find the page on the A-Z list. |
Do not capitalize all words in the title. |
Capitalize the first word of the title and any proper names or brands. |
Tables of Content are important tools for page navigation. Use them on pages that require scrolling.
No: | Yes: |
Do not manually create a table of contents. |
Use the {TOC} macro in the template to create a Table of Contents. |
Do not use a table of contents if there are 2 or fewer h2 sections on the page. | Create a Table of Contents if there are 3 or more h2 sections on the page. |
Do not delete the "jump to top" link from the template. |
Use a "jump to top" anchor at the end of each h2 section to lead users back to the top of the page. |
List links to related PSDocs pages and/or pages on the Libraries' public site at the bottom of each page.