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Congressional Publications: Research Agencies

MIT Barton Plus search includes GAO and other agency reports

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Other Sources for CRS Reports

Congressional Research Agencies

Congressional Research Service
 reports available  format  location
1971 - present  online
 selected reports, 1926 - present  online  ProQuest Congressional
 selected reports, 1947 - 2018
 selected reports, 1916 - present  online  HeinOnline
 1993-current  online



Government Accountability Office
 content   date  format  location

 GAO Reports, with abstracts and indexing  (pdf  links)

 2004-current   online database (MIT  only)  Proquest Congressional
 GAO Reports indexing and select full text 1922-current  online


Congressional Budget Office
 content  dates          format  location
 CBO reports (published and unpublished)  1975-current  online database (MIT only)  HeinOnline
 CBO reports  1975-current