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Geographic Information Systems (GIS): MIT Geodata Repository

About the Geodata Repository

The MIT Geodata Repository provides easy access to a large amount of data held by MIT GIS Services. Access the data using GeoData, an online interface to search for and download data from MIT and partner institutions (some data from partners may not be available to download).

License terms vary by dataset (see the dataset metadata for more information), but all data layers that are restricted to members of the MIT community adhere to these terms:

  • Licensed electronic resources are restricted to members of the MIT community and for the purposes of research, education, and scholarship.
  • Under MIT's licenses for electronic resources, users generally may not:
    • Redistribute the materials or permit anyone other than a member of the MIT community to use them
    • remove, obscure or modify any copyright or other notices included in the materials
    • use the materials for commercial purposes
  • Users are individually responsible for compliance with these terms.

Data Types

MIT GIS Services maintains an international collection of GIS datasets covering a variety of information types, including:

  • US and foreign census data
  • Elevation
  • Transportation
  • Hydrography (water)
  • Administrative boundaries
  • Building outlines
  • Parcel/tax lot boundaries with detailed assessor property data
  • Land use/ land cover
  • Demographics
  • Aerial photography