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Bioscience Protocols and Methods: Home

Protocols and Methods Collections

        Discovering Protocols

        Search our Collections for books with Methods and Protocols

        Search:  (laboratory manuals) and bio*  Will retrieve over 1000 books about experimental methods.

        Databases that index selected protocols

        Protocols on the Web

        • Bio-protocol, founded by Stanford researchers in 2010, seeks to promote free and open communication within the life sciences community. To this end, all protocols are associated with a moderated Q&A panel. These Q&A panels help readers successfully reproduce protocols by letting them easily ask authors clarifying questions.
          • bio-101, sister site to Bio-protocol featuring basic methods.
        • Protocols.IO Open access repository of science methods and collaborative research platform..  Registration free, but required to view content.
        • Protocol exchange The Protocol Exchange is an open resource where the community of scientists pool their experimental know-how to help accelerate research.

        Methods in Dissertations and Theses

        About Protocols and Methods

        Descriptions of experimental procedures are widespread in the scientific literature. The methods sections of research articles are typically brief and may not provide enough information for a researcher to replicate the experiment.  Protocols and methods are a body of literature that describe experimental procedures in detail.  Research methods may be published separately and can be found in a variety of literature types: method-focused journals, books or dissertations. 

        A good protocol can save you countless hours in the lab with proven methodologies as a starting point for your research.


        More ways to get help


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        Open Access and Copyright

        Open access at MIT:  Preserve your rights to share and reuse your articles with MIT’s OA policy.  Publish open access articles via  publisher agreements and OA initiatives.


        Copyright & Fair Use:  Our agreements with publishers allow you to reuse their figures and text.  We provide expert guidance for copyright in and applying fair use guidelines.


        Scholarly communications also covers: MIT and Elsevier, APIs, text and data mining, and funder requirements.

        Contact us: Ask Scholarly Communications.

        Citation and Data Management

        Citation & Writing Tools:

        Zotero: Organize citations and PDFs.

        Overleaf: Easier collaborative writing with LaTeX.

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        Data Management Services: We work with you to manage, store, and share your research information, data, or code throughout its lifecycle. Attend one of our workshops or email us at