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DDC Reading Room Policies and Procedures: Movement of Materials

This guide provides instructions and background for tasks that occur in the DDC reading room.

General Notes

The Distinctive Collections Request System will route requests based on location IF the location information is present in the request. If you notice that a request does not have a location and you know where it is located, please feel free to add the appropriate location information. 

As follows are the codes associated with the various locations: 

Code Location Collections
AKDC Aga Khan Documentation Center AKDC Collections
ASC ASC (Rooms A – D) Archives, Manuscript, and Teaching Collections
DIG Server Digital Content
HD Harvard Depository Archives and Manuscript Collections
LMTED Rotch Library Rotch Limited Access
Noncirculating 1
ASC (Rooms A, D) Rare Books and Microfilm Theses
Noncirculating 2
ASC (Room C, D) Publications

Noncirculating 3

Harvard Depository Theses and Publications

Within these locations, the requests are divided based upon their use into general (reading room/staff), imaging, and activity (classes, project, etc.). This division occurs because the workflows are different depending upon the type of request. Additionally, for non-staff there is a limit of 15 general requests at any given time in an attempt to take into account our small storage space in 14N-118. 


Retrieval and return from ASC functions largely the same as it did prior to implementing the Distinctive Collections Request System. 

When requests from materials at ASC are placed, the request will go into ASC Request, ASC Activity Request, or ASC Activity Request. 

When it is your day to pull.......

Option 1: The reference team will monitor the various queue and print request for items that need to be pulled from ASC on a given day in the ASC bin. Please check this bin prior to going to ASC. - This is my pick because there is still some mediation that is going to need to happen, plus this will allow us to plan for room A access and such. Thoughts? 

Option 2: Please check the various ASC queues prior to going to ASC with attention to the associated scheduled date in the ASC Request queue. 



Rotch Limited Access


Digital Content