Under company screening, look for Investment Advisory Firms. Click on Primary Fund Types Managed and select Hedge Fund. Add other criteria as needed such as location.
Morningstar CISDM provides qualitative and quantitative information for more than 6,000 hedge funds, funds of funds and Commodity Trade Advisors (CTAs) since 1994. In addition to current funds, it includes a graveyard database of dead funds, which provides information for over 13,000 inactive hedge funds, funds of funds and CTAs.
Covers private capital and hedge funds, including fund, fund manager, investor and deal information, as well as market-wide benchmarks for US and international hedge funds. To screen for hedge funds, under Search For, go to Funds/Advanced Search. Change Asset Class to Hedge Funds. You can apply other filters here as needed. Once you have the results, click on manage columns to select desired variables.
In the search box, enter FScreen. Change Asset Universe is Mutual Funds to Hedge Funds. Add other fillters as needed such as domicile. Generate the report. Add columns to your output.