The online publications portal of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes all OECD books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases. Coverage: 1988 to the present, updated weekly.
Data and reports on the oil & gas industry sectors worldwide. Contains numerous statistical databases; detailed information on companies, deals, and key events; plus in-depth industry research.
OptionMetrics contains historical prices of options and their associated underlying instruments, calculated implied volatilities, and option sensitivities. Contains data on all US exchange- listed and NASDAQ equities and market indices, as well as all US listed index and equity options, starting from January, 1996.
Contains information on public and private companies worldwide. It can be used to research individual companies, or to screen for companies meeting certain financial, geographic or operating criteria. Available to full-time faculty, students, and staff only.
Provides access to public and private companies across the Asia-Pacific region. Use it to research a specific company or create target lists with comprehensive profiles covering company financials, directors, contacts, and more.
OTC Corporate Bond Transaction Data. Access the most comprehensive closing quote, trade and security reference data for securities trading on the OTCQX, OTCQB, and OTC Pink Marketplaces. Key security reference data includes Security Type, Security Class, Security Status and Number of Market Participants.